Find your investor with our platform & team

We support startups, connect them with smart money from angel investors & strategic partners.

We help startups grow. We will help you find the best partner – an angel investor that will not only finance your project, but also provide you with much needed support and valuable experience.

How does it work?

Submit your project and get feedback from our team

Do you have drive, a unique product or service and want to make your mark in the world? Submit a project at Our analysts will reach out, review at what level of preparedness your project is and determine the next appropriate steps.

Preparation of documentation for investors

We will help you prepare key aspects for your project documentation to approach investors i.e. teasers. Years of experience in the field has given us the feel to know what information the investors need to know first, to pique their interest. The preparation of teasers and its placement on our platform for six months is the project founder’s only expense.

Presentation of your project and negotiation with potential investors

Investors not only express their interest in projects on our online platform, but also on our live events. Additionally, we personally try to match investors with projects that we know might be interesting for them. The same way an investor picks his project, the author picks their investors.

Obtaining and investment

You found your investment partner, who will help you push to the next level in your entrepreneurship. In the case that you come to an agreement with your investor to provide your project with capital, is entitled to a ‘success fee’ for finding you an investor. This fee is split into two parts, where one is paid by the investor, and the second from the invested capital. More about pricing.

References from our partners & clients

Ilya Ivanov

UGET - Smart solution of supplier relations in gastronomic establishments

We have been pushing our bootstrap project for a long time. We managed to build a team, everything worked as it should. But as per usual in startups, eventually, time becomes the most important resource and speed becomes the main factor that separates failure from success. Money seemed like the driving force. But we wanted not only money, but also a strong partner who would move us forward and open new doors for us. Busyman helped us create the ideal image of the investor and partner, we improved our pitch together and we were ready to address the investor. The Busyman Day event also helped us a lot.

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Robert Kaločai

NANITS UNIVERSE - Global platform for digital comics

To this day, I personally appreciate their proactive approach and the experience they are able to provide. Especially after we’ve had several investment rounds, either on our own or through other platforms, I really have to acknowledge how much they contribute to an inexperienced startup that needs help in the beginnings. Whether it’s assistance in negotiating conditions, making contracts (in our case consultations), or legal assistance.

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Matěj Murín

Erebos - A purely herbal energy drink, made by leaching herbs and spices

Due to the nature of our business, we needed a relatively large amount of capital. But we also wanted to team up with someone who has more experience in the business world and from whom we could learn. Busyman convinced us how important it is to have a business plan and provided us with invaluable feedback on our project.

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Barbora Jungová a Martin Bílek

Tattoos on Clothes - new fashion brand
Díky jsme získali na projekt jiný úhel pohledu, a to od lidí, kteří se na start-upové scéně pohybují denně, což bylo velmi přínosné. Naučili nás přemýšlet nad materiály, které jsme prezentovali investorům, a konzultovali s námi, jakého investora vlastně hledáme. Potom už stačil jeden Angel Day a mohli jsme si vybírat z několika investorských nabídek.
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Jan Daneš, founder


In the end, Busyman helped us find an investor, and a partner who moves forward the whole FUTURENTO with us. Busyman has our deepest gratitude. Their approach is very professional and once can see the many years of experience they have when it comes to connecting startups and investors, but also with the preparation of startups for investor entry.

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Jan Pavlica

I like E-bike - Guided tours on e-bikes

Filip from Busyman and I have not only been friends for many years, but overall the partnership made sense to me. We felt that it would be a win-win for both parties. The cooperation was and is very serious, it is the driving force for the company to grow faster and for our team to not have unnecessary stress. The idea that I want to have everything thoroughly prepared before we contact the investor also "caught up with me". With the team at Busyman, I can discuss things that I can't talk about out loud in front of my employees, so our meetings help me sort out thoughts and grow together.

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How we did in 2019

13 Startups funded with 50 mil. CZK worth of capital
50 of 350 enlisted startups
15% of incoming startups enlisted
50 mil. CZK worth of capital invested in total
3,85 mil. CZK average investment
25% of enlisted startups received funding

How much does it cost?

Initial meeting with Busyman team member

After you submit your project, our analysts asses it and potentially invite you for an in person meeting or a skype call to determine at what stage development you are and what the next appropriate steps should be.


Busyman Teaser + professional consultation

The standard package everyone needs to go through to be published on the Busyman platform.

  • Initial 1—hour consultation
  • Revision of materials with subsequent creation of a professional teaser
  • Final consultation before publication (focused on setting conditions for entry of investor)
  • Optional 1-hour legal consultation on key areas of the project with the law firm macek | legal
  • Publication of teaser on Busyman platform for 6 months
  • Angel Echo – immediately send teaser only to investor club members
  • Teaser publication in newsletter to all our investors - about 1300 contacts
  • Sharing project on FB + paid promotion (targeting potential investors)
  • Possibility to present your project live at our Busyman Angel Day (attended by several dozen investors ready to invest)

9 900 CZK
without VAT

Success Fee

Investment fromInvestment toFee
0,5 mil. CZK1 mil. CZK10 % (4 % investor and 6 % startup)
1 mil. CZK2 mil. CZK9 % (3,5 % investor and 5,5 % startup)
2 mil. CZK5 mil CZK7,5 % (2,5 % investor and 5 % startup)
5 mil. CZK10 mil. CZK6,5 % (2 % investor and 4,5 % startup)
10 mil. CZK20 mil. CZK6 % (2% investor aand4 % startup)
20 mil. CZKand more4 % (1,5 % investor and 2,5 % startup)

Individual consultation

Independent of above points you have the option to use an individual consultation for your entrepreneurial goal.

Submit a project

Find out more about our pricing

Referenced projects



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This portal is operated by:
Genesis Invest s.r.o.
with seat Kaprova 42/14
110 00 Praha 1 - Old Town

registered under C 175775 at the Municipal Court in Prague. Company ID: 24804185

Offices of Busyman are located on Vojtěšská 245/1, 110 00 Praha 1 - Nové Město

© 2010 - 2021 Genesis Invest s.r.o.