A Community of Angel Investors

Busyman Angel Club is an exclusive community of modern & active investors from the ranks of successful Czech entrepreneurs and top managers.

Our members operate in a wide range of industries and are ready to build value not only through funding, but also through their know-how and their time. The added value of angel investors is also their natural desire to constantly educate themselves and move forward.

Who can become an angel investor?

Anyone who is ready to work with us to support talented personalities, new business trends, innovative technologies and projects, as a selection of the best that we have tailored for you and across the entire market, is welcome.

Become a member of the angel investor community and a partner of a startup that you will move a step further.

Choose from 3 membership options.

Benefits of being a member


Investor admin
decks from top projects

Busyman events
online & offline

with other members

based on your criteria

Individual approach
counseling and mentoring


Busyman Angel Club structure

Opinions from members of our club

Vítek Endler

Busyman is a platform that generates a large number of interesting contacts that are beneficial to me. The original intention was to find one specific project on the Busyman platform and enter it as an investor. Now I appreciate the significantly wider dimension of the entire Busyman platform, especially in terms of networking opportunities, meetings with inspiring people among entrepreneurs and managers, as well as the opportunity to see interesting startups and the opportunity to invest in them or just follow business development trends.

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Petr Hejtmánek

Busyman gave me access not only to interesting investment opportunities, but also to a valuable network of investment professionals and entrepreneurs from various industries. In addition, it creates and promotes a warm friendly atmosphere among its members.

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Matúš Karaffa

BM si ma získal hneď na začiatku. Priznám sa, že som dlho netušil o jeho existencii, ale som hrozne rád za jeho objavenie. Dodal mi to čo som potreboval a čo mi chýbalo - zaujímaví ľudia z rôznych oborov a diskusie s nimi, priateľská a pozitívna atmosféra, kde sa ale veci hovoria narovinu, a samozrejme prehľad o aktuálnej situácií na poli začínajúcich firiem. BM mi umožňuje zostať v obraze v podniteľskom a investičnom prostredí a neustále sa od ostatných členov učiť niečo nové.

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Miroslav Šole

Membership in the Busyman Club gives me a good feeling from the fact that I am constantly IN and always in contact with the BEST. The Busyman platform guarantees constant contact not only with projects, but also with potential investors, with whom I have nice discussions whenever I need to. This reduces my investment risk. Busyman is run by people who know where north is, as they say in the Ostrava region. Each visit enriches me and positively influences my thinking. Busyman is a guarantee for me that I will not get stuck.

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What is the process?

Be the first to get an overview of news, projects and events. Download the Busyman App.

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You choose a membership type according to your preferences


FREE / 1 month
Profile creation in the investor admin
Automated matching with investment requests
Access to complete electronic teasers
Access to unlisted projects
Contact info of project authors
Video presentations of projects
Access to investment sharing / syndicate
Online networking with other members
Trial Network
After the first realized investment - 30% discount on Membership Basic or Premium for 1 year
Access online event - Busyman Angel Day
30% discount on listing your own startup
Unlimited access to offline Busyman events
Regular personal contact with the Busyman team
10% discount on the success fee in case of investment
Opportunity to become a paid mentor


CZK 5,500 / 6 months
CZK 10,000 / 12 months
Profile creation in the investor admin
Automated matching with investment requests
Access to complete electronic teasers
Access to unlisted projects
Contact info of project authors
Video presentations of projects
Access to investment sharing / syndicate
Basic Network
Online networking with other members
Basic Network
After the first realized investment - 30% discount on Membership Basic or Premium for 1 year
Access online event - Busyman Angel Day
30% discount on listing your own startup
Unlimited access to offline Busyman events
Regular personal contact with the Busyman team
10% discount on the success fee in case of investment
Opportunity to become a paid mentor


CZK 20,000 / 12 months
Profile creation in the investor admin
Automated matching with investment requests
Access to complete electronic teasers
Access to unlisted projects
Contact info of project authors
Video presentations of projects
Access to investment sharing / syndicate
Basic net. Premium net.
Online networking with other members
Basic net. Premium net.
After the first realized investment - 30% discount on Membership Basic or Premium for 1 year
Access online event - Busyman Angel Day
30% discount on listing your own startup
Unlimited access to offline Busyman events
Regular personal contact with the Busyman team
10% discount on the success fee in case of investment
Opportunity to become a paid mentor


CZK 40,000 / 12 months
Suitable for VCs or companies
Profile creation in the investor admin
Automated matching with investment requests
Access to complete electronic teasers
Access to unlisted projects
Contact info of project authors
Video presentations of projects
Access to investment sharing / syndicate
Basic net. Premium net.
Online networking with other members
Basic net. Premium net.
After the first realized investment - 30% discount on Membership Basic or Premium for 1 year
Access online event - Busyman Angel Day
30% discount on listing your own startup
Unlimited access to offline Busyman events
Regular personal contact with the Busyman team
10% discount on the success fee in case of investment
Opportunity to become a paid mentor

Join the community of Angel Investors

We facilitate regular meetings, sharing of experiences, and often enter into individual investment opportunities together with other investors, based on mutual knowledge and long-term trust between members.

We also have a private channel where we share interesting information & news, and members can leave feedback or share their experiences.

Some say that only one in a hundred startups succeeds, some - one in a thousand. Both could be true, but if you are sufficiently prepared, surrounded by the right partners, have a consistent and high-quality deal-flow pouring in, and attend to your investment - your chances of success can be orders of magnitude higher.


Find out more about our club
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By submitting the form, you agree to keep your contacts within the conditions: Privacy policy


Do you want to be the first to hear about events and what’s new? Download our Busyman App App Busyman
Google Play App Store

Busyman.cz and its operators do not provide investment advisory services in the sense of Act No. 256/2004. They do not provide advice on stock and securities markets. Furthermore, neither Busyman.cz nor its operators are responsible for the content posted by advertisers themselves on the Busyman.cz website.

This portal is operated by:
Genesis Invest s.r.o.
with seat Kaprova 42/14
110 00 Praha 1 - Old Town

registered under C 175775 at the Municipal Court in Prague. Company ID: 24804185

Offices of Busyman are located on Vojtěšská 245/1, 110 00 Praha 1 - Nové Město

© 2010 - 2021 Genesis Invest s.r.o.