The world’s first social media app that not only cover the complete work/life harmony spectrum, it also offer all its users a safe and secure environment where there will be No advertising, No selling of the users personal data, No way to spread disinformation or fake news. It cannot be used for political manipulation and is free from predators, scams and deviants. Meaning that all users will be safe in the knowledge that their personal and private data will never be sold.
To date have been invested over £150,000 in the project and over 6,000 hours.
Autor have completed both the pre-prototype and prototype stage. They now have a working prototype that they are taking through the Alpha and Beta stage of development. They are seeking further investment to cover two strategic arears. The first is to take the app through the Alpha/Beta stages and into the release of version 1.0 which will be the first out of four section called LIFE - social media. LIFE will compete with Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Gmail and Skype/Zoom. This will then allow them to start generating income. They will also use the investment for both Marketing and PR of the LIFE section of the app and the app in general.
Project just have received an investment of a £250,000! This means that there is still 10% of the equity available for £100,000. It can be also sold as 2.5% for £25,000, or 5% for £50,000 or the whole 10% for the £100,000.