“It’s in our hands to do positive (or negative) changes in the world around us.”
An angel investor is a person who has already achieved material success, probably succeeded in business, is a high-ranking manager, built and sold a company or runs one as a shareholder. Now they are looking for some young company in which they can invest and share their knowledge accumulated through out years of experience. Therefore, a financial contribution which an angel investor brings to the start-up is merely a part of they can bring.
They can also provide founder with valuable contacts, business experience and know-how in fields in which they have been active longer than the founder. Therefore, they are more likely to be a partner than a passive investor in a start-up.
Who is an angel investor in the respect of qhat they can provide, investment focus and what do they expect in return?
They usually invest in Pre-seed and Seed rounds with the size of an investment of 50 000 EUR to 300 000 EUR, while expecting around 10-30% share in the company. What they can bring apart from the money is: experience, contacts, know-how, or niche-expertise.
Types of angel investors
As there are various types of founders each with individual approach to their company, there are several types of angel investors depending on their activity in a start-up, what they can bring apart from their money and background they are coming from.
Some of them are:
Guardian angel: interested in actively supporting a start-up with their contacts, experience, and know-how.
Operational angel: has experience in leadership roles in large companies or corporations, can bring a professional outlook on internal processes and their optimizations, but has little or no experience with leading a small company.
Hands-off angel: usually has a doctor or law background, is interested in investing, but does not have enough experience or time to actively support the start-up.
More about angel investing and types of angels can be found in our article: HERE (sorry, it’s in Czech :-/. We’re working on an English version…)
At Busyman we have our own Busyman Angel Club, where we put together investors from several different fields and backgrounds.
Senior Managers of Large Corporations
Most of them are successful corporate captains who have enough experience and money to support start-ups with their knowledge and contacts in its way forward.
Successful Businesspersons
Another large group consists of successful businesspersons who run their own companies. They look for young and flexible founders who can give them a new wind for their current companies or in some way can be connected to their actual business (for example manufacturing companies).
Founders of successful companies
Another group are founders who already exited their start-ups and are looking for another young founder who they can help with their path forward.
Professional financial investors
In the Czech Republic, there are also investors who invest on a professional level and spend all of their time developing start-ups in which they have invested. We have some of those too, and their numbers are growing.
Family offices
The last group of investors are family offices, which are small companies that manage assets of a single or a group of extremely wealthy families.
You can find more information about our angel investors and our club on our page - Busyman Club.
If you are going to look for an investor in Czech Republic you are going to have several options. Below are just some of them.
If you are going to look for an investor in the Czech Republic you are going to have several options. Below are a few.
1. Do the hard work
Yes, entrepreneurship is about sales and as a founder you should be able to or at least have someone who is willing to pick up the phone and cold call contact who could feasibly invest in your start-up.
For that you should first prepare list of appropriate investors for your company and keep track of contact, calls, meetings, and outcomes. So have a status file and begin the hard work!
2. Leverage Your Network
One way is to connect with angel investors through cold calls, but it is much better to have a warm introduction to investors. You can achieve this by leveraging your network. Those can be:
From these groups create a list of people who are connected to the finance world and choose the ones you want to reach out to. If you have some investors who you want to get in contact with, try to find out if someone from your network can connect you with them.
3. Join business Incubators and Accelerators:
These organizations provide advice, guidance and various forms of support for start-ups. There are several types of business incubators and business accelerators and some of them even offer financing with an exchange for an equity in your company. Another benefit of being in an incubation or acceleration program is that while you are being mentored, you can also connect with several investors who are around events organized by Incubators and Accelerators and at the same time scouting for a possible investment.
4. Participate in Competition and Startup Events
One of the best ways to find and investor and even promote your start-up project can be competitions and start-up events. Apart from the fact that you can win a nice financial prize, projects in competition are judged by a group of successful entrepreneurs or self-made businesspersons. Also, many investors see start-up events as a good opportunity to find an interesting pre-selection of start-ups. It is the place to be.
We at Busyman have our own event where start-ups can present themselves in front of tens of investors at once. You can find more about our events HERE.
5. Go through Business Angels Networks
One way how to connect to multiple angel investors at once is to go through a business angels network which groups several investors and start-ups and can function as an intermediary between these two groups. Investors know that start-ups presented there are pre-selected and therefore are more open to them than if they would come “of the street”. The advantage of business angels network is that they usually offer a consultation on how to approach angel investor and can pin-point weak spots of projects before they go before the investor, so start-ups have a higher chance to be well-prepared. Each business angel network has different processes. To learn more about how Busyman’s Angel Network operates click HERE.