The project is created as a new network for referrals among customers. The goal is a concept that will work on personal experiences and customer recommendations more than on paid ads. This concept increases customer satisfaction and reduces the costs associated with massive, poorly targeted advertising and return charges—end customer’s reward in the form of discounts and points that customers can apply in any e-shop. Online shops can reach customers across the ecosystem and save on advertising costs to invest in innovation. The product is easy to understand for both e-shops and end customers. The business model based on the share of sales through our product is very well perceived from the online shop point of view.
We are a team of people with experience in IT development, finance and e-commerce. We worked previously as strategic consultants leading the innovation streams in the most prominent Czech and international finance institutions. We primarily focused on analysing people's behaviour and consumption in the digital space in the project.
The project is currently in the phase of finalising functions for e-shops and end customers. The product has two parts - one for online companies and one for online shoppers. We need to tighten both parts mainly from the UX point of view - simple onboarding of e-shops but also adjustment of the overview of earned money and opportunities for the end customer. We are looking for investment in finalising the user interface, scaling to platforms with more e-shops, and product marketing.
We offer 5-10% of the share for 200,000 EUR to 400,000 EUR (5,000,000 CZK to 10,000,000 CZK). The investment is classified as Seed A. The next round should be Seed B (900,000 EUR or 22,500,000 CZK), planned ten months after Seed A. This could also be the exit point for Seed A investor(s). There is also planned the Seed C round.